Monday, October 25, 2010

The Start of Something Wonderful

I am starting fresh. I have deleted my old blog, came up with a new idea on what to write about, and now I am finishing the hard part and STARTING! So get excited because I am going to write weekly, or at least I am going to put in a valiant effort. Another thing I am going to be doing weekly is cooking, but not ordinary cooking and none of the "Julie and Julia" stuff. I am going to cooking my way and exploring all the food the world has to offer. For the last couple of weeks I have been buying foods that I had never heard of let alone eaten and tried to cook with and given it a go cooking a made up dish. It has been so much fun that I have decided to keep it going and to write it down. The way my eatable explorations goes is:
1) Pick up something new and unusual (something I have never eaten or cooked with, may be something I have never even heard of)
2) Research (figure out what I just bought how it is used and where it is from)
3)Recipes (look up recipes that contain the new ingredient, how is it cooked what is it generally cook with)
4)Cook and Create (Make up a fun recipe with the new information I have and the stuff in my kitchen)
5) Share it
More info. I am a college student so it all has to be done on a low budget with limited supplies. I am excited to get this going and I can't wait to get cooking... this is definitely the start of something wonderful!

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